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Discover all the news from 2022:

Worship Ministries Director | Job Posting

DECEMBER 21, 2022

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FLCC is an intergenerational church in the beautiful village of Fort Langley, committed to building a culture of: Seeking God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Seeking Growth into closeness and conformity with Christ, by the Holy Spirit Seeking Good for our neighbours through service and the gospel.   

With this new culture statement, and with a team of staff each relatively new to their role, we are excited to find the person God has in store to lead and develop our vision for worshipping God. We have a wonderful group of worship team members, and a solid group of worship team leaders, to work with. So we’re excited to partner with person that God calls on this journey with us. We are looking to hire in early 2023! 


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AUGUST 18, 2022

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Fort Family and Friends!

The fact that we’re celebrating our 50th year isn’t the only reason that this September is a special one.

It’s a time to anticipate not just a return after summer, but a bigger return together after the complexities of the past couple of years. This will be the biggest kickoff we’ve had in a few years. Whether you’ve been gone for the past couple weeks, months or years we’re asking you to all to prayerfully save the date. 


Our worship gathering happens at 10am with worship, connection, and the start of our Fall series.

We’ll serve up hot dogs and corn on the cob for a picnic after the service. The church family will provide salads and desserts, and there will be activities for kids and adults alike. We hope to see you there!

Note: We are asking that the people attending please bring a salad if their last name begins with A - M or a nut-free dessert if their last name begins with N - Z.


If you would like to invite someone, feel free to share this informational link:

A New Website:

SEPTEMBER 14, 2022

We're excited to let you know that our new website is live and will continue to "fill out" in upcoming weeks. This is not one of the bigger, most important things in the Kingdom of God, but we hope that it will be a useful tool to connect with others, and a way to convey some of the love and good news of Jesus to the community and world around us!


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8870 Glover Road, Fort Langley,

Langley, BC V1M 2R9, Canada

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